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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Windows Live XP Super V.1 2013

Windows Live XP Super V.1 2013

Based on the version of Windows XP Service Pack 3 Genuine
Do not copy need to ÓíŃíÇá during Terracing
This is the original serial version
d36rk - qdffd - btwwy - bt7kk - 43mgm

What has been deleted from the version:

1 - Remove all unused languages ​​except European languages
2 - been remove Alhlviat the old
3 - Remove the old voices
3 - was removed Tour
4 - The removal of old games and replaced with new games
5 - was the exclusion know printers to large size

What has been affixed for Windows

1 - has been added to all SATA tariffs even accept all modern appliances
2 - Add pack lan definitions and cpu and chipset
3 - Add another updates
4 - 6 theme has been added wonderful different colors for each Theme icons, background and indicators different from the other mouse + Theme Windows 8 + Windows Seven Theme + Vista Theme
5 - 5 was added fun games instead of the old Windows games
6 - 50 was added a wonderful background with HD technology
7 - Add IE 8 and Windows Media Player 11 Jager updates
8 - a wonderful program and the task for any user

Added programs for Windows

Yahoo Messenger
Haihaisoft-Universal-Player (wonderful program to run all the videos)
Ultra iso
Vista Rainbar
Viena Dock
Lovely Folder

Install Notes:

1. Burn Iso with any burner
2. then reboot your system
3. then press any key
4. format and Install it 

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